Crystal of the Month - Clear Quartz


2020 is bringing about many new things for Wicked Obscura, so it’s only right that we bring new things to you as well! Every month, we’ll shine the spotlight on ONE crystal and dive into the meaning and healing properties of that crystal. If you’ve wanted to learn more about crystals, then be sure to follow our blog!

For January, we’ve chosen a favorite of ours, Clear Quartz!

We love it so much, in fact, that we used small crystals to top our Element Collection candles & Wandering Wizard Candle!

Clear Quartz is the world’s most common crystal, as it makes up more than a tenth of the Earth’s crust, but the fact that it’s so common doesn’t make it any less unique. This crystal has always been highly respected by shamans and healers, as it creates something like a doorway to the spiritual plane. It helps to cleanse and shift energies and helps to release blocked emotions, bringing about calmness.

As we begin a new year, why not start it by feeling as light as possible?

Use clear quartz to let go of that negativity and continue using it as a shield to keep your mind and energy on a positive path. This makes clear quartz the ideal crystal for meditation as it brings spiritual peace and acts as a deep soul cleanser.

Known as the ‘master healer’ and the stone of power, it’s great for pain relief and is associated closely with the Crown chakra.


The Crown chakra, located at the very top of the head, is the center of energy within the body that is responsible for wisdom, thought, and awareness. If you’re unsure if your Crown chakra is in an unhealthy state, pay close attention to how you’re feeling, or the types of thoughts you’re having. Are you depressed? Are you feeling apathetic? Are you lacking compassion for others? Is your mind in a constant state of fogginess? If any of these things ring true for you, you may need Crown chakra healing. Meditating with clear quartz can help alleviate all these negative thoughts and actions, and even just carrying clear quartz with you will help you feel much lighter.

While this barely scratches the surface of the wonderful crystal that is clear quartz, we hope you were enlightened! If you’re a fan of clear quartz, drop a comment below and let us know what you use it for!