Crystal Of The Month - Aventurine


This year has been tumultuous to say the least.

Now that we’re into September I can’t help but think we could all use a little luck and love to try to salvage the last 4 months of 2020. With this in mind, let’s talk about, Aventurine.

Aventurine is a beautiful, green stone.

As mentioned above it attracts luck as well as success, money, and abundance! It is also highly recommended for healing the heart and working through emotional issues. It is associated with the heart chakra and the water element, allowing us to dive deeply into our raw, rooted emotions in a safe and comforting way.

This soothing energy grants aventurine the title of “stone of personal growth.”

While helping to heal those strong emotions buried deep within the heart it’s also important to keep moving forward. This stone can help open your heart to new opportunities to learn about yourself and your personal journey. The healing and growth provided by this little stone is pretty wild.

Aventurine is truly multi-faceted.

It. is a stone you will want to have for certain workings or particular events happening in your life. Especially if you’ll be needing anything mentioned above! In my opinion, it’s great to carry with you all the time, mostly because of the personal growth aspect. This year has been HUGE for working on yourself. Get yourself some aventurine and continue the work!

Do you find yourself drawn to this green beauty? What stone makes you feel lucky? Let us know in the comments below!