Crystal of the Month - Selenite


It hasn’t been the best year for peace and tranquility, but we would like to introduce you to a crystal that can help bring those things – and so much more – back into balance in your life. Say hello to selenite!


Selenite is named after Selene, the titan goddess of the moon. Some even believe that she is the moon personified in human form. Selenite, just like the goddess it’s named for, embodies love, light, and tranquility. It makes for the perfect topping to our Palo Santo candle; the selenite works in tandem with the Palo Santo chips on this candle to cleanse your space, bring you peace, and put up a protection barrier to keep negative energies away.


While selenite may not be the strongest crystal physically, the same cannot be said about it metaphysically. It is a crystal that promotes purity and honestly and it helps the person holding it to be true to themselves above all others. It’s a great crystal for clearing energy blockages and aligning the chakras, allowing energy to flow fluidly once again. For this reason it’s an excellent crystal to use when meditating or trying to obtain mental clarity. Also, because selenite connects people to their highest level of consciousness, it’s the ideal crystal for communicating with your spirit guides or getting in touch with the angelic realm. Once you place a piece of selenite on your forehead and the energy of the crystal streams into the crown chakra, it will open and purify the chakra. When this happens, you should feel a little bit lighter, free of any burdens you’ve been carrying and more optimistic.


Not only is it a great crystal for cleansing your mind, body, and soul, it’s also handy when you need to purify your other stones or crystals. Every stone or crystal has their own energy force and sometimes they will feel off, or maybe even muted. If this happens, simply lay your stones on or around the selenite overnight to rejuvenate them and give them a full charge again. Selenite can get run down, too, though, so don’t forget to charge your selenite crystals under the light of the moon!

We’d love to hear from you! In what ways do you use your selenite? Let us know in the comments below!