Crystal of the Month - Amethyst


We’ve made it to May, which means we’re featuring a new crystal! Let’s get to know Amethyst!

All throughout history, amethyst has been greatly appreciated for its remarkable beauty and its uncanny power to vitalize the mind and mollify emotions. While today it’s classified as a semi-precious stone, back in the old days it was worth as much as a diamond. The name ‘amethyst’ is derived from the Greek word ‘ametusthos’, which means ‘not intoxicated’. Legend has it that Bacchus, the wine god, was angry over an insult aimed at him, and so he vowed that the first person he encountered would be ravaged by his tigers. A lovely maiden named Amethyst, on her way to worship at a shrine of Diana, was the unlucky recipient of this attack. When the tigers pounced, she prayed to the goddess for protection and was transformed into a beautiful clear crystal. Bacchus, ashamed of himself and his act of cruelty, poured his wine over the crystal as an offering, thus leaving it with the purple tint we recognize today.

The crystal had been widely used by Greeks and Romans as the prevention of intoxication and overindulgence.

Believing that drinking wine from a cup dappled with amethyst would not render the drinker drunk, they adorned goblets with the crystals. They also believed that wearing the crystals on their person would keep them sober and would also keep them respectable and not rowdy. It wasn’t just physical intoxication that people believed these crystals could prevent, but magical intoxication as well. Bishops would wear them – and congregations would kiss the stone – to keep their minds unclouded and grounded.

Today, amethyst is still known for quieting the mind and enhancing meditative states.

It’s a crystal that has been known to control and suppress evil thoughts, which makes it the perfect crystal for purifying the aura and clearing out all that negative energy that’s bogging you down. Not only does it enhance your meditative state, but it protects you while you’re spiritually vulnerable, too.

Feeling creatively blocked? Get some amethyst!

This is a great tool for heightening your creativity and passion. It helps with giving clarity to your thought process, so things aren’t as muddled, and it’s great with adding shape and substance to those unfinished ideas floating around in your mind. Basically, this is one multifaceted crystal and we love it!

We want to hear from you! Tell us, how do you use amethyst?