Crystal of the Month - Citrine


We are excited to introduce to you the March Crystal of the Month,


Technically, citrine is associated with the month of November, but we decided that March would be the perfect month to feature it because it radiates warmth and positivity, thus giving in the nickname ‘The Light Maker’! We’re finally working our way out of the dreary winter months and we’re excited about all the changes that March – and the arrival of Spring – has in store for us.

Citrine was often used as home décor before the Greeks and Romans started using it in their jewelry as well. It soon became a fad with royalty as Queen Victoria began wearing it as jewelry, and Scotsmen began using citrine-adorned kilt pins. They even incorporated the crystal on the hilts of daggers! Today, wearing citrine can boost your optimism and give you an overall positive outlook on life and everything going on around you. Wear it with that intention and you should notice a spring in your step!


This crystal is also closely associated with wealth and abundance, and who couldn’t use more of that?! Referred to as ‘The Merchant Stone’, it can be used for giving you a boost to help you attain those financial or business goals you’ve been reaching for. The crystals can’t do all the work for you, though. Your heart must be in it and the good intent must be there for the crystals to be able to nudge you forward. Just be sure your focus is in the right place and you should start seeing results!

What if your focus is a little off balance, though? Luckily, citrine can help you with that, too! Meditating with citrine is good for saturating your spirit in positive energy and restoring your mental output so you can put your best foot forward when it comes to achieving those goals.

As far as chakra healing goes, citrine is closely affiliated with the solar plexus chakra which is located between the navel and the solar plexus. This chakra is the very core of our identity, personality, and ego, and is focused on the perception of who you are. If you’re feeling lack of self-confidence or if you find that you’re being more critical or self-deprecating, then chances are you need some healing of your solar plexus chakra. Citrine, full of its bright and joyous energy, can correct any imbalances in your chakra and fill your spirit with zeal again. Wear citrine around your neck or your wrist to get those positive vibrations in motion again. We want you to get up, say to yourself, “I’ve got this!” and mean it, and go make those dreams and goals a reality.

We want to hear from you! Has citrine ever helped you out of a rough patch?

Let us know in the comments below!