Crystal of the Month - Lapis Lazuli


As we enter the fever pitch of this political season it's so easy to be swept up in the chaos.

Combine that with a high stress year overall and just about everyone is a ball of anxiety. Lapis Lazuli is just the stone we need right now to achieve peace within ourselves.

For millennia Lapis Lazuli has been believed to ward off evil.

Ancient Egyptians saw it's dark blue hues and thought of it as a symbol of the night sky. Even then it was seen as a boost to courage, strength, wisdom, and truth.

Today Lapis Lazuli is still seen as a truly multi-faceted stone.

Not only is it a destresser but it also promotes inner truth, intuition, self-confidence, harmony, manifestation, and it's a powerful protection stone. This is a great catch all crystal that would be great in your home, car, or just on your person in the form of jewelry.

This stone is associated with the throat and third eye chakras. It helps you speak your truth with confidence and it will assist you in finding your truth in the first place.

Whether you're looking to relax and watch from afar or make your voice heard and stand up for what you believe in, Lapis Lazuli can help you in your quest.

How would you use this powerful stone in your life? Let us know in the comments below!